During the recruiting process, many companies have a vision in mind of exactly who the perfect candidate is. Unfortunately, this can lead to frustration when your company keeps meeting candidate after candidate who is not quite right. If you are recruiting and find you are considering a job seeker you aren’t thrilled about, it can be hard to decide whether to hire now or wait for someone better to come along.
There are both pros and cons to holding out for a better candidate when hiring, but waiting for the perfect person to show up is often going to be a bad move. Some of the key reasons it may be more beneficial to settle for an adequate candidate, rather than your dream superstar employee, include:
- Getting back up to full staff more quickly. Most companies only hire when they need the help. If you are in need of an extra pair of hands in your office, you cannot afford to wait for weeks or months until the exact perfect candidate is found … especially when there is no guarantee the perfect candidate is out there. Hire someone who is good enough to hit the ground running so you can quickly get back up to speed and so you can avoid overworking current workers who may be picking up the slack until you hire.
- Taking a chance on someone who may do better than expected. Although you may have an idea of exactly who would be right for a job, you could end up finding someone with different skills than you imagined who will actually do a much better job than your “perfect” candidate would have. If the person being interviewed can clearly show why their particular talents will help them be a success, consider offering them employment and giving them a chance to see what they can do.
- Avoiding the lost opportunity to hire. If you fail to hire an adequate candidate because you’re hoping for Mr. or Mrs. Perfect, that adequate candidate could be snatched up by a competitor. This is an especially big issue with an unemployment rate of around 4.6 percent, which economists consider to be full employment. There’s a high demand for skilled workers; don’t lose out on hiring one because the employee may not have every single characteristic you envisioned.
High Profile can help your company find great candidates so you do not have to compromise during the recruiting process. If your organization is looking for consummate professionals who will do great work for your Dallas Fort Worth business, give us a call at 972-991-7900 or contact us today.