News And Advice

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Design a Site that Appeals to Customers and Job-Seekers


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Your company website can’t be all things to all people, but it can attract customers and job-seekers alike. The key is a website design that increases customer traffic and also draws qualified job-seekers to your business.

What to do

Whether you’re aiming for customers or job-seekers, or both, the design of your website

should serve to spark interest (and even excitement) in your business. Provide content that’s upbeat and enticing about your workplace. Add “happy” images, like groups of people having fun on the job and/or attractive features about the workplace itself.

The importance of user-friendly navigation can’t be stressed enough.  Start by adding a

prominently featured Jobs link to your company homepage. Add another Jobs link as a tab on your “About Us” section, with wording like “Work for Us” or “Your Future is Here”.  When applicants click on these links, they should find some or all of the following:

  • Description of the company culture (emphasizing the value you place on your employees)
  • Detailed information about the open position (including skills required, experience desired and even pay range)
  • An easy way to apply (specific email address or place to submit resumes)

What not to do

Does your website loudly proclaim, “We’re hiring! Contact us!”? Chances are, this won’t generate much of a response, because the message is too vague and uninformative. Hiring for what positions? Job-seekers crave specific details in your job listing, details that reflect what you’re really looking for. Otherwise, applying seems like a waste of time.

Are your job listings buried under a dizzying display of irrelevant information and images? If someone has to search for an open position, you can assume they’ll stop looking before they find it.

Spread the word beyond your website

Since you never know how customers and job-seekers might access your website, be sure to include links and hiring news in your other marketing communications. Talk about the type of people you want to hire in your company blog. Tweet a link to your “Careers” page and share the link on your company’s Facebook page, too.

Remember, your website can’t appeal to everyone all the time. Focus on what you believe is most appealing to your customers and to the types of candidates you hope to attract. Make it easy for people to learn more and to apply. And keep fine-tuning. Your website’s hiring section should look fresh and interesting every time an applicant clicks on it.

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