News And Advice

Insights, tips and news for job seekers and employers.

What is Today’s Top Talent Looking for When Job Searching?

In today’s talent-driven employment climate, businesses need to understand what appeals to their industry’s top talent. Knowing what these candidates are looking for in a career and a company can help businesses attract and retain the best of the best. When you have industry leaders on your payroll, not only will the quality of your product or service improve, but also the quality of your company.

Hiring top talent means your company can get an infusion of fresh ideas and new perspectives. Highly sought-after soft skills like communication, interpersonal skills and leadership are intuitive to these workers. You can attract top talent by letting them know that your company can give them satisfying, meaningful work. Here are a few tips to ensure you snag the best workers, while your competition falls behind.

Benefits – it’s about more than just a salary range

It’s not just about money. Though today’s top employees will expect to be paid what they’re worth, they are also looking for the best options in healthcare, stock options, retirement plans, bonuses and incentives. Additional perks like extended maternity and paternity leave, fitness plans and professional development are also attractive. In fact, many candidates will actually take less pay if the benefits balance out or exceed the difference.

Flex Time – it needs to be a standard

Let’s face it, in today’s digital economy, very few jobs are 9-5. Today’s top workforce wants flexibility in their schedules. By offering an arrival window, telecommuting options, job sharing opportunities and/or four-day workweeks, those star workers will appreciate the reduction in stress. With an arrival window, they don’t have to worry about getting their kids to school and arriving to work on time. Job sharing allows them to learn new skills and reduces the risk of decreased morale due to lack of challenges or boredom.

Encourage training and development opportunities

Trainings, workshops and conferences will help your employees develop the qualities they need to advance their careers. Top talent is looking for chances to grow. If they see your company is willing to invest in them, they’ll be more inclined to work harder. Showing you value the advancement of your employees inspires them to drive the advancement of your company.

High Profile Staffing can identify your particular staffing needs and help you overcome the challenges that are holding your workforce back.  Whether you are looking for contract workers or direct hires, contact us today and we’ll get you started on a path to attracting the most sought-after employees in your industry.

