Remote employees have been around for a long time, but they’re more common than ever now that the COVID-19 pandemic has forced many of us to stay home and work in isolation. If your company employs remote workers, you’ll want to make sure that they’re not forgotten. But how do you get them to really feel that they’re part of the team when they’re not working around their peers in the office?
Harness the power of video.
Modern technology allows us to communicate over video conferences with platforms like Skype and Zoom. Since most modern laptops and desktop computers, not to mention mobile phones, have a built-in camera, it’s very easy for all employees to communicate face-to-face, even if it’s in a virtual way. This applies, of course, to remote employees as well. There are few better ways to build a sense of comradery than by seeing each other on video!
Communicate often.
When you don’t communicate with a remote employee, and just expect them to have their work done while they’re out there away from the physical office, they can start to feel like an afterthought. And if that’s the sense you’re getting, it’s a safe bet that the remote employee themselves is starting to feel that way, too. Be sure to communicate often, even if not every day, whether it’s through online means like a chat application or simply through phone calls and text messages.
Set up an online “watercooler.”
If you have several remote employees, it might be worth using an online chat application to set up a sort of online “watercooler.” There, employees — both remote workers and those in the physical office — can chat about whatever they’d like to, work-related or not. This is a great way to foster a sense of community and professional relationships, even when everyone’s not in the same building.
Show your appreciation.
Nothing makes a remote employee feel forgotten faster than zero recognition for their hard work. Be sure to recognize the contributions of your remote employees often, whether it’s by simple verbal acknowledgment or a small reward of some kind, like a gift card. It will make a huge difference, and it’ll only motivate your employees to work harder, no matter where they’re located.
Are you interested in implementing remote work at your company? Need help getting your staff set up to that end? Set yourself up for success by contacting High Profile online or calling 972-991-7900. We’re here to help you achieve your dreams!