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Balancing Fun and Productivity in Your Workplace

For nearly five years in a row, Google’s corporate offices – all of them across the globe – rank as the number one best place to work. It isn’t just that their offices look like living rooms or that ping pong tables line the break rooms. This billion-dollar company attracts top-tier talent because their company culture shows both temporary and permanent staff that they are valued, not just as employees, but as people.

You don’t have to run a Fortune 500 company to bring fun into the workplace, especially if you’re looking to strengthen retention and attract new employees. While stress-relieving gadgets, complimentary lunches and ergonomic office chairs can impact morale, there are other ways to turn on your company’s “awesome switch”.  Not only will your current staff appreciate the changes you make, but new candidates will be impressed, as well. Studies have shown that, for many job seekers, it’s not all about the paycheck – they want to work for a company that emphasizes both fun and productivity.

Throw out the typical 9-5

Who says accounting has to happen exclusively between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.? Some workers are more productive in the morning, while others shine best in the afternoons. Employees are more productive when they work for companies that give them the freedom they need to be the best employee they can be. Offering a variety of shifts and access to technology can give these workers the flexibility they need to be productive, confident and satisfied.

Boost the benefits package

Want to balance fun and productivity? Give your employees more flex time to play with. Focus on benefits that will not just make your workplace better, but your staff’s lives better. Offer immediate packages that include bonuses, flex time, paid maternity and paternity leave, while also creating a light-hearted office culture. Statistics show that employees are more energized and productive when they come back from a refreshing mental and physical break.

Let them pursue their own projects

Give them the freedom to use a bit of company time to work on volunteer projects, outside responsibilities or implement company initiatives of their own design. Your employees may need a mid-day recharge, so give them the flexibility to relax their minds. You may find they have useful hidden talents they’d love to share – find that office yogi to lead an afternoon stretching class or let that know-it-all in accounting start a Friday afternoon trivia contest. As long as it benefits your staff, it will benefit your company.

Build a sense of community

A company that feels its staff is easily replaceable will not attract top-tier candidates. Everyone feels extra stress when the desires of the stakeholders trump the needs of those making progress on the ground. Build a sense of community by showing your employees that they are valuable assets to the company. Develop a relationship with your staff, give them time to talk openly with you and collaborate on projects with other departments. Give the lunch/break room an interactive overhaul, creating a place where employees can connect and unwind.

You don’t have to top Google’s workforce culture in order to balance work and play. What would you choose – a place with flickering florescent lights hanging above dingy beige cubicles or an office with colorful art work, partitions made with living plants and a spacious atmosphere that allows employees to be themselves? Looking for ways to boost productivity? Give High Profile Staffing a call. We have outstanding opportunities to help you attract the right staff, right when you need them most.
