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Workaholics Need Not Apply

Not long ago, a person’s willingness to set aside all other interests and activities for the sake of their career was considered admirable. Believing that hard work was the key to success, go-getters took to skimping on sleep, recreation, and family time in order to prove their dedication to the company and climb the proverbial corporate ladder.

That kind of dedication became the primary goal of many recruiters, as they actively sought out the kinds of people whose incredible work ethic would help determine the future success of the organization. In recent years, however, work/life balance has become the rallying cry. Employees were encouraged to find time for family, exercise, and community activities. Flexible work schedules became commonplace and organizations developed comprehensive health and wellness programs aimed at helping employees achieve some semblance of balance in their lives.

By now, many of you are surely thinking me crazy. After all, how could it possibly be bad to have a staff of employees who are willing to give everything they’ve got to the job? Such a workforce would surely spell great success and profits all around. Right? Wrong.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. It also makes Jack a less productive boy. Studies have shown there are many pitfalls to being a workaholic. Let’s take a closer look at a few:

1)      Burn-Out is Rampant: It may be easy to operate 100 miles a minute when you first start a new job, but no one can maintain that pace. Fatigue – both physical and mental – sets in and hours spent on the job become less and less productive. The ability to concentrate, much less think strategically or creatively, goes out the window and you end up with a team of zombies.

2)      High Turnover: Burning the candle at both ends often results in workers who simply can’t wait to “get out”. Exhausted and burned-out, they often are more receptive to calls from a headhunter or other prospective employer. In other words, all the time and money you spent recruiting and training them are wasted.

3)      Health Hazards: When a person spends 90 percent of their waking hours on the job, they leave little time for anything else, like exercise. They also tend to eat more on-the-go meals, resulting in excess weight and higher blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

4)      Unhappiness at Home = Unhappiness at Work: When an employee’s workaholic tendencies begin encroaching on time that would ordinarily be spent with their spouse and/or children – or when that employee takes their work concerns home with them – friction inevitably develops. Late-night conference calls or a steady stream of emails coming over the Smartphone puts undue pressure on a relationship. That stress and strain doesn’t stay at home.  Just as they took their work stress home, the employee brings that personal stress to work with them.  The result is a distracted, dissatisfied worker and that doesn’t do the business much good.

For help recruiting the right kinds of workers for your company, contact High Profile Staffing today.
