Whether you’ve recently started a new job or you’re angling for a promotion, building rapport with your management team is an essential skill. And it’s a great way to get ahead at work. Plus, having a good relationship with management makes your life easier and work a lot more fun.
Here are five tips for building rapport with your management team:
Take the initiative.
Management will never notice you, much less appreciate you, if you don’t take the initiative. Do what you can to go above and beyond; help out a coworker, take on that extra assignment, do a little something extra for a client so they’ll remember you. Even small things will make a big impact on your reputation for work ethic and getting things done.
Share your ideas.
Have a good idea? Know of a way to improve a process or a workflow that could be streamlined? Feel free to share it with your management team. Even if your idea doesn’t come to fruition in the long run, management will take notice that you’ve thought about how to improve the company’s functioning. That’s a great thing for building a positive rapport.
Ask for feedback.
The best employees are the ones who are constantly learning. And asking for feedback on your job performance is a great way to do that. Ask management how you’ve been doing and what you could be doing better. They’ll take notice that you want to improve, and that’s a hallmark quality of a great leader.
Communicate effectively.
Communicate openly and honestly with your management team. This builds trust and transparency in the relationship, and it keeps you top-of-mind as well. Let your management team know what’s going well, what could be better, and what you need to do your job most effectively.
Be authentic.
You never want to be perceived as kissing up to your boss or management. That’s why being authentic with your approach to building rapport is so important. Don’t be over the top with your efforts, or they’ll just come across as superficial. On the other hand, honest, authentic rapport-building will help you succeed.
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