It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks of your workplace, which can make it difficult to succeed. Before you kick off 2015, consider setting specific goals for your career. However, before you set your career goals, you should consider what goals you want to accomplish in your life outside of your career, and how to split these into smaller goals to help you achieve your overall plan.
In order to achieve your goals, you will need to develop a step-by-step plan. There are many different types of career goals, so our team is here to help you understand them and give you examples to get you started.
One common career goal is to increase overall performance. Depending on your organization and position, there are probably several performance metrics that you are evaluated on. Common metrics include productivity, customer satisfaction, and overall performance. If you set a goal to increase your overall performance, this shows the value you are bringing to the organization.
Another career goal is to earn a degree or certification. Certifications are great because they allow you to become an expert in a particular field. Having some sort of formal education in your career goal shows that you are willing to learn and increase your expertise.
This next career goal may not seem lofty but, if you are able to succeed, you’ll see that more doors are opening for you: communicate more effectively. Sure, we communicate with people around us every day, but are we communicating as effectively as possible? Make this a goal for 2015 and see how your workplace changes.
These are just a few ideas to get you started for a new you in the new year. For more tips on kicking off your career and setting goals for 2015, contact one of our experienced recruiters today!