Although you may not always be aware of it, body language is a great indicator of what you’re actually thinking and feeling. Everything from your facial expressions and subtle gestures to vocal tone and volume makes up your body language. So in the event that you come face-to-face with someone with a good grasp of body language and what it might mean, you may be unintentionally expressing different thoughts than what you’re verbally communicating.
This is why it’s important to be conscious of your body language in job interviews. The interviewer may know more than they let on, especially if they have a background in psychology. Maryville University indicates how human resource specialists are very skilled in psychology. This type of science covers a wide range of topics regarding human development and expression — body language very much included. That’s why recruiters or hiring managers can often distinguish good candidates from the rest based on how they move and present themselves.
On that note, remember to review your body movements as part of your preparation for a job interview:
- Nail the walk. From the moment you walk into the room, the interviewer may have already formed a general opinion of you. For instance, Lifehack explains that someone who moves in a brisk and forceful stride with minimum fuss is perceived to be a go-getter. The way you hold your head up and straighten your shoulders as you walk also conveys your confidence, which is a plus point for recruiters.
- Give a firm handshake. The handshake is also a key moment in any job interview. Ladan Nickravan-Hayes of CareerBuilder claims that the first handshake should be firm, but not too firm. “Ideally, your handshake is one that conveys you as being open and friendly,” she explains. “It still portrays you as being confident and important too, so you want to be careful not to be too hard or too soft.”
- Work on your sitting position. For the interview, it’s always good to have answers prepared beforehand, but your body language can also help convince the interviewer of your confidence. For example, keeping a straight posture and leaning forward a bit expresses your interest. It is also recommended that you don’t cross your legs. When the time comes that your leg has fallen asleep, you may have to re-cross, and the recruiter would probably read that gesture as fidgeting or restlessness.
- Keep eye contact. There are several things the eyes can convey in a job interview, according to a fascinating list by the Houston Chronicle. If you tend to avoid eye contact, it typically means you lack confidence. Additionally, if you blink a bit too much when an interviewer asks a certain question, it could reveal how stressed you are.
Leaving a good impression is essential in a job interview, and your body language is a key component to accomplish that goal. Consider the fact that recruiters go through dozens, if not hundreds, of interviews, and although anyone can learn the best answers to common interview questions, not every job seeker can stand out and impress the recruiters with how they carry themselves. Give High Profile a call today at 972-991-7900 or contact us online for additional tips and to learn how to avoid these “unprofessional” mistakes.
Written exclusively by Yana York for