Despite more businesses opening, some daycares and schools are still closed, leaving it up to parents to continue to work full-time jobs, watch and entertain children, teach them, help them with their homework…among many other things! High Profile’s “Project: Keep Working Parents Sane” checks in with a few working parents with young children. Here, they share their challenges, what’s working for them, and advice they have for other working parents.
We invited a few of our High Profile working parents to give their insight on the quarantine experience as full-time employees and parents!
Kjersten Faseler, one of our Client Relationship Managers, is mom to a sweet 1-year-old girl! Kjersten has been with High Profile for 3.5 years. She gave us some insight into her and her family’s quarantine experience. Kjersten tells us what she’s enjoyed about quarantine, what she misses about pre-COVID life, and how she and her family have adapted.
Q. What have you been grateful for during the pandemic?
A. Family walks with my husband and daughter over our lunch breaks and after work! My husband usually works long hours, so it has been nice to have him avoid the commute and be home for family dinners and more family time overall!
Q. What do you miss most about pre-COVID life?
A. Drinking margaritas on patios with friends and being able to travel whenever, wherever I want!
Q. What are you looking forward to about returning to normal?
A. Being able to take my sweet baby back to daycare so I can work distraction-free again, although I know I will miss spending every waking minute with her!
Q. What has been the biggest change in your daily “work” routine?
A. Not seeing my clients in-person on a daily basis… I miss them!
Q. What has been your biggest adjustment to working from home with young kids?
A. Trying to manage Zoom calls while I have a crying baby by my side. She has been getting a lot of Cheerios and Sesame Street to help keep her quiet during calls! #noshame