Interviews can be nerve-wracking for everyone involved. The hiring manager is hoping the candidate will be the right fit, and wants to present the company as an ideal place to work. The candidate, likely the more anxious of the two, is facing a large unknown, and uncertainty is bad when you want to make a good impression.
When you sit down for an interview, the hiring team’s number one priority is to determine if you’re a good fit for the job, their team and their company. You’ll be asked a variety of questions that will examine you both professionally and personally. The interview is your moment to shine and leave a lasting impression. One of the best ways to do that is to make a connection with your interviewer that goes beyond the typical interview interaction. Here are a few tips on answering questions that will help you make an impact on your interviewer:
Why should we hire you?
Make sure your answer aligns with the company’s mission or vision statement. This requires some pre-interview research. Understanding the mission statement allows you to connect their company goals with your professional goals. When your values line up, it shows you appreciate the company’s purpose and can see yourself happy there for many years.
What is your ideal work environment?
Understanding the chain of command at a company can help you verbalize the most productive work environment for you. Before sitting down, check out any social media surrounding the organization to find clues to the overall office culture. Pay attention to what you see when you walk from the receptionist’s desk to the conference room and be prepared to show how you can fit right in.
Why do you want to work for us?
Read up on current events, check out the company’s pressroom webpage or just conduct a plain old Google search. You can mention how these updates and enhancements interested you in the company. Understanding their history – when were they founded and by whom – shows you are interested in the venture as a whole, not just your part in it.
Also, take the time to talk about what makes this company different from its competitors. Drop a few facts, but also ask a few questions about their current goals and future projects. Express enthusiasm for their creative strategies and unique specialties.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
This awkward question always elicits a momentary pause in the interview. You want to show that you will be a long-term investment, but you also want to convey your independence. Talk about connections between your personal life and professional life that will shine a light on your loyal, committed and dependable qualities. Let your descriptions advertise how your experience and interests complement theirs, positioning both you and the company for a successful future.
Everyone has heard the old adage: You never get a second chance to make a first impression. In some ways, this piece of grandfatherly advice is true, but we also know that there is much more to a successful interview than that first impression. In order to stand out from the other candidates, you must look, act and think like you are the best candidate.
Looking for a new career? You don’t have to go at it alone. Let High Profile Staffing help you prepare for your job search. Give us a call today and we’ll help you find a job you’ll love.