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Should You Hold Performance Reviews More Often?

Many employers conduct performance reviews to provide feedback and map out a vision for the future. However, for many companies this only occurs once or twice a year. Holding performance reviews more often can be incredibly helpful in discovering ways to improve productivity and morale, while reducing turnover and workplace conflict.

Frequent performance reviews help you identify your highly skilled employees and those who may be at risk of leaving for another opportunity. Conducting regular reviews will help you learn what you and your staff can do to be more effective and productive at your jobs.

Several reasons why performance reviews are a powerful retention tool include:

  • Opportunity for immediate action: Address any current issues that can be resolved and prevent your good employees from jumping ship. Discover how to support employees who feel challenged by workloads or workflow processes. You can be proactive about resolving issues.
  • Motivate employees: Frequent performance reviews give your workers an opportunity to reflect on their work ethics. They typically come out of these meetings stimulated and re-energized. Employees value having their opinions heard and will be encouraged by your interest to work harder and better.
  • Personalized feedback: A performance review is one-on-one. Instead of a generic survey or broad assessment, this personal meeting is custom-tailored to the employee at hand. This means your managers can get extremely detailed feedback that sheds more light on what your best employees need to become more productive in their jobs.

Conducting frequent performance reviews requires some thought and planning. You can develop a powerful review process by asking questions such as:

  • What reasons would you have to look for a job elsewhere?
  • Do you feel fully utilized in your current position?
  • What additional support or tools do you need to be more effective and satisfied in your job?
  • Have you actively searched for a job in the past year? If yes, why?
  • Do you feel you work in a positive and respectful environment?
  • Do you respect the leadership you receive from those in management?
  • Do you feel listened to and valued by your supervisors?
  • How do you feel you have grown professionally and personally in this position?
  • Think about your stress levels over the last 12 months. What work-related issues spiked those stress levels?

Frequent performance reviews allow you and your employees to address ways to be more productive and more satisfied. Instead of reacting to situations, managers can direct their time, energy and money on moving forward. With the information you receive in frequent performance reviews, you can take the pulse of your employees and change your policies to build a better business.

Whatever your hiring or retention needs, High Profile Staffing is well positioned to meet your staffing demands with strong contract, contract-to-hire and direct hire talent that will maximize productivity and keep your workplace operating efficiently.

